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Monday, May 5, 2014

OIM 11g Tables List

OIM 11g Tables List

Below are the list of OIM tables and its description

List of Tables and Description

AAD - List To Define The Administrators For Each Organization And Their Delegated Admin Privileges

AAP - Table for storing Resource - Organization level parameter Values

ACP - ACP - Link Table That Holds Reference To ACT And PKG Tables, Table That Defines The Objects (Resources) Allowed For A Particular Organization

ACS - Link Table for Account Table(ACT) and Server Table(SVR)

ACT - Defines information about all organizations created through Xellerate

ADJ - Contains the Java API information for the constructor with parameters and method name with parameters chosen for an adapter task of type JAVA, UTILITY, TAME,REMOTE, or XLAPI.

ADL - Contains the all of the necessary parameters for an adapter task of type IF, ELSE IF,FOR, WHILE, SET, and VARIABLE tasks. These type of tasks are known as LOGICTASKS

ADM - Data mapping between parameters input/output parameters and source/sink

ADP - Defines an adapter created through the Adapter Factory

ADS - Database,schema and procedure name selections which define a stored procedure adaptertask

ADT - Defines a task attached to an adapter

ADU - Contains the web service and method chosen for a task of the Adapter Factory

ADV - Adapter variable table contains variables that have been created for specific adapters.

AFM - Links an adapter with a form

AGS - Holds the definition of organization/contact groups

AOA - Contains the OpenAdapter property file for OpenAdapter

APA - To store attestation process administrators

APD - To store attestation Process definition

APT - To store the attestation tasks

ARS - Contains custom response codes for 'Process Task' Adapters only

ATD - To store entitlement details for each attestation task

ATP - Defines input and output parameters for the constructor and method of an adapter taskof type JAVA, UTILITY, TAME, REMOTE, and XLAPI

ATR - To store attestation requests

ATS - Stores which services or can be ordered by which organizations and which rates apply

AUD - Define the Auditors


CRT - Trusted Certificate Information

DAV - Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Entity' & 'Rule Generator' adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table,or a user defined process form.

DEP - Dependencies among Tasks Within A Workflow Process

DOB - Data Resource definition consisting of the fully qualified class name of the dataobject

DVT - Defines the one to many relationship between Data Resources and Event Handlers (this includes adapters)

EIF - Export Import Files. Each row contains one single file used in export/import operation. For export there is only one file

EIH - Export Import History. Each row represents one Data Deployment Management session.

EIL - DB Based lock for export operation. Used to make sure only one user can import at atime. This is currently not managed through data objects

EIO - Export Import Objects. Each row represents one object exported/imported

EIS - Substitutions used during import process

EMD - Core --Email Definition Information Table That Holds The Email Template Definitions

ERR - Error codes

ESD - Encrypted columns not within the bounds of the SDK

EVT - Defines event handlers by providing a process and class name. In addition the scheduling time of when the event handler can execute is set to pre (insert, update, delete) or post (insert, update, delete)

FUG - List to define the administrators for each user defined object in the 'StructureUtility' form or for each user defined field in the 'User Defined FieldDefinition' form

GPG - List to define the (nested) group members of User Group in the 'User Group' form.

GPP - List to define the Administrators and their delegated admin rights over a User Group

GPY - Joins Properties (PTY) and Groups (UGP).

IEI - Table where all the imports and exports are defined

LAY - Table where the layouts are defined for the various imports and exports

LIT - Import/export table.

LKU - Lookup definition entries

LKV - Lookup values

LOB - Import/export table.

LOC - Holds information about locations

MAP - XML MapSchema Information

MAV - Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Process Task' adapters. The data source being a process form, Location, User, Organization, Process, IT Resource, orLiteral data.

MEV - E-mail notification events

MIL - Holds information about tasks of a process

MSG - Defines the user groups that have permission to set the status of a process task.

MST - Task Status And Object Status Information. Holds All The Task Status To Object Status Mappings

OBA - Object Authorizer Information

OBD - Object Dependencies

OBI - Object Instance Information

OBJ - Resource Object definition information.

ODF - Holds Object To Process Form Data Flow Mappings.

ODV - Object Events/Adapters Information

OIO - Object Instance Request Target Organization Information.

OIU - Object Instance Request Target User Information.

OOD - Object Instance Request Target Organization Dependency Information.

ORC - This Entity Holds The Detail On Each Order. This Could Be Considered The Items Section Of An Invoice. This Entity Is The Instance Of A Particular Process

ORD - Holds information that is necessary to complete an order regardless of a processbeing ordered

ORF - Resource Reconciliation Fields

ORR - Object Reconciliation Action Rules

OSH - Task Instance Assignment History

OSI - Holds information about tasks that are created for an order

OST - Object Status Information

OUD - Object Instance Request Target User Dependency Information. Holds The Dependency Between Different Resource Instances Provisioned To A User.

OUG - List to define the administrators for each Resource

PCQ - Holds the challenging questions and answers for a user

PDF - Package data flow table holds the data flow relationships between packages

PHO - Holds all communication addresses for this contact -- e.g., contact telephone numbers,fax numbers, e-mail, etc.

PKD - Package dependency table holds the dependency relationships between child packages of a parent package

PKG - Consists of names and system keys of service processes, which consist of a group ofservices from the TOS table. Defines a Process in Xellerate.

PKH - Package Hierarchy Table Holds The Parent-child Relationships Between Processes

POC - Stores values for the child tables of the Object/Process form of a resource being provisioned by an access policy

POF - Policy field table holds the field value pairs that constitute the definition of apolicy

POG - Join table between Policy and User Groups, Specifies the groups to whom an access policy will apply.

POL - Policy Table Holds A Policy, Defines An Access Policy In The System

POP - Policy Package Join Table Holds The Packages That A Particular Policy Orders For User, Defines Which Resources Will Be Provisioned Or Denied For A Particular Access Policy.

PRF - Process Reconciliation Field Mappings

PRO - Defines a process name, scheduling frequency, and priority. A process is made up of oneor more tasks

PTY - Client Properties Table

PUG - List to define The Administrators And Their Delegated Admin Rights For Each Process.

PWR - Table forPassword Rule Policies

PXD - Table that holds the list of all Proxies Defined

QUE - Administrative queues definition

QUM - Administrative queue members

RAV - Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Pre-populate' adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table, or a user defined form

RCA - Reconciliation Event Organizations Matched

RCB - Reconciliation Event Invalid Data

RCD - Reconciliation Event Data

RCE - Reconciliation Events

RCH - Reconciliation Event Action History

RCM - Reconciliation Event Multi-Valued Attribute Data

RCP - Reconciliation Event Processes Matched

RCU - Reconciliation Event Users Matched

REP - Table that contains all information about reports in the system

REQ - This table holds request information

RES - This table is used to stored adapter resources entered by the user.

RGM - Table for Response Code Generated Milestones

RGP - Rules To Apply To A User Group, Defines The Auto-group Membership Rules Attached To AParticular Group.

RGS - Defines all known registries. These are used by Web Service tasks in an Adapter to communicate with a web service

RIO - Request Organizations Resolved Object Instances

RIU - Request Users Resolved Object Instances

RLO - This table contains directory URLs which are referenced by Adapter Factoryjar/class files.

RML - Rules To Apply To Task, Defines The Task Assignment Rules Attached To A Process Task.

ROP - Rules To Apply To An Object-process Pair, Defines The Process Determination Rules Attached To A Resource Object.

RPC - Reconciliation Event Process Child Table Matches

RPG - Link table between Group table and Report Table. Specifies which group has accessto which reports

RPP - Parameters passed to report.

RPT - Stores information related to the creation of reports

RPW - Rules To Apply To A Password Policy, Defines The Policy Determination Rules Attached To A Password Policy.

RQA - Request target organization information.

RQC - Request comment information

RQD - Contains self-registration request data for web admin.

RQE - Request administrative queues

RQH - Requeststatus history

RQO - Request object information.

RQU - Request object target user information

RQY - Request Organizations Requiring Resolution

RQZ - Request Users Requiring Resolution

RRE - Reconciliation User Matching Rule Elements

RRL - Reconciliation User Matching Rules

RRT - Reconciliation User Matching Rule Element Properties

RSC - Defines the All The Possible Response Code For A Process Task.

RUE - Defines the Elements In A Rule Definition.

RUG - List to define the administrators for each Request

RUL - Rule definitions

RVM - Holds Recovery Milestones

SCH - Holds specific information about an instance of a ask such as its status orscheduled dates

SDC - Column metadata.

SDH - Meta-Table Hierarchy.

SDK - User define data object meta data definition

SDL - SDK version labels

SDP - User defined column properties

SEL - Data Object Permissions For Groups On A Specified Data object

SIT - The SIT table contains information about sites. Sites are subsets of locations.

SPD - IT Resource parameter definition

SRE - Defines Which Pre-populate Rule Generator Will Run For A Field Of User Defined DataObject.

SRP - Should be replaced by the rate table from a billing system. Here it holdspecific rates for specific services.

SRS - IT Resource - IT Resource join

STA - Status Codes

SVD - IT Resource type definition

SVP - IT Resource property definition

SVR - IT Resource instance definition

SVS - IT Resource - Site Join

TAP - Holds parameter values for a task, which is an instantiation of Valid Task,i.e. value for parameter Company Name, etc.

TAS - Holds instances of Valid Task. Examples of Valid Tasks would be reports, imports, etc. Valid TaskParameters indicate what parameters can be assassigned to an instance of a task, i.e

TDV - Used by event manager/data objects, joins data objects, types of service, and events

TLG - Keeps logof SQL transactions.

TMP - Indicates which tasks are in a process. Tasks are defined in table; this way, one task can be in many processes.

TOD - To do list settings table.

TOS - Holds information about a process

TSA - Stores initialization params (name/value pairs) forscheduler tasks

TSK - Scheduler task definition information

UDP - User-defined field table

UGP - Defines a group of users

UHD - User Policy Profile History Details table

ULN - This table hold UHD allow / deny list

UNM - "UnDoMilestone" Feature


UPA_FIELDS - Stores changes only for user profile audit history in de-normalized format

UPA_GRP_MEMBERSHIP - Stores groups membership history in de-normalized format

UPA_RESOURCE - Stores user profile resource history in de-normalized format

UPA_USR - Stores user profile history in de-normalized format

UPD - User Policy Profile Details table

UPH - User Policy Profile History table

UPL - User-defined field table

UPP - User Policy Profile table

UPT - User-defined field table

UPY - Joins Properties (PTY) and User (USR) tables.

USG - This table stores which users are in which groups.

USR - Stores all information regarding a user.

UWP - Window sequence, nesting in CarrierBase explorer for each user group.

VTK - Defines automation task types such as reports, imports, and exports.

VTP - Valid Task Parameters. Indicates which parameters can be defined for an instance of a task.

WIN - Windows table: Windows keys, descriptions, and class names.

XSD - This table holds Xellerate System Data

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