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Monday, February 8, 2016

org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection


****** weblogic startup log ******

INFO: Found persistence provider "org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider". OpenJPA will not be used.
[EL Severe]: 2015-12-06

03:35:08.961--ServerSession(1577131615)--Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243):

Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter

could not establish the connection
Error Code: 17002
Dec 6, 2015 3:35:08 AM init
WARNING: Could not create credential store instance. Reason JPS-10000: There was an internal error in the policy store.
JPS-01055: Could not create credential store instance. Reason

JPS-10000: There was an internal error in the policy store.
Error: Diagnostics data was not saved to the credential store.

Validate operation has failed.
Need to do the security configuration first!


1. Verify Database listener is up & running or not

2. Take the backup of jpsconfig.xml file

3. Start the database listener


$lsnrctrl status listener  -- Verify Listener status

$lsnrctrl start listener   -- Start the listener,if already not started

4. Start the weblogic from command prompt


$nohup ./ > AdminServer.log &

$tail -f AdminServer.log

5. Weblogic Admin Server will start normally.