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Monday, November 9, 2015

OIM 11g R2 PS2 Support Interview Questions

Below are the basic level OIM support interview questions. Depends on the interviewer and depends on the project, questions may vary.

  1. What are the new features in PS3?
  2. What are the differences between PS2 and PS3?
  3. How do you identify rogue account creation in target system?
  4. What is the high level architecture of OIM 11g R2?
  5. What are the new features in 11gR2 PS2 , PS3
  6. What are Archival Utilities?
  7. What are factors which one should keep in mind for upgrade project?
  8. How will you plan an upgrade project?
  9. What are the high level steps to install OIM 11g R2 PS2 on High Availability Mode?
  10. What is the use of Node Manager?
  11. How many ways, we can start or stop the entire managed servers in OIM?
  12. How to verify the logs in OIM?
  13. How to troubleshoot the provisioning issues in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  14. What are the high levels steps to perform performance tuning in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  15. How to assign/remove admin privileges to a user in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  16. How to troubleshoot Reconciliation issues in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  17. How many schemas will be created while installing RCU for OIM?
  18. What is the use of Load Balancer and Clustering?
  19. List of table names you knows in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  20. How many ways we can upload/register .jar files in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  21. How to change the log levels in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  22. How to resolve password issues in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  23. How to assign/revoke specific group access to a user in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
  24. What is catalog and usage?
  25. What is Sandbox and usage?
  26. How do we get reports in OIM 11g R2 PS2?
Hope these questions will helps you!

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