When progressing through the Oracle Identity and Access
Management Configuration, the 'Configure OIM Server' status would fail
with the error Exception
occurred while encrypting the configuration and database, step Configure
OIM Server failed
Investigation: Try to find the error
details from logs as per the screenshot. i.e...
/home/oracle/app/oraInventory/logs/<latest log>.
As per log, (DEV_OIM.UK_MLS_LOCALE_MLS_LOCALE_CODE) violated error whilst accompanied with Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception occurred in updateMLSLocale method while updating Locale to OIM DB as well as Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception occurred while encrypting the database error
1. Simply take the backup of existing MLS_LOCALE table under DEV_OIM schema by following the below steps.
Connect to your database using DEV_OIM schema(sql developer)
Take the backup of MLS_LOCALE using below sql command
table MLS_LOCALE_bkp as (select * from MLS_LOCALE);
Truncate the original table name MLS_LOCALE
Truncate table MLS_LOCALE;
2. Re-run the OIM configuration step
Go to cd $OIM_HOME/bin (or)
$MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1/bin -> ./
NOTE: If you are trying to connect to your database using sys account, then you have append Schema name before table.
Eg: truncate table DEV_OIM.MLS_LOCALE; --- If you are using sys account in DB
It should fix the issue.